Friday, July 31, 2015

                      Educreation White Board Math Lesson

This is a Math sample lesson that I have created using Educreation White board App. This is an fantastic tool which enable us to create, share, post and present a digital lesson using an free App.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Classroom Netiquette Guidelines

Classroom Netiquette Guidelines

Netiquette is the Network Etiquette or the rule of using the Net. Networking is just another platform where people interact with each other. Just like the social life, we should learn the do’s and don’ts of networking.

File:Internet of Things.jpg

  • Personal is personal and private and private is private. No sharing of password, personal information like address, phone number, last name to anyone.

  • No downloading of photos, files, videos without the permission of teacher.

  • No inappropriate searches.

  • Be safe, responsible, and respectful online.

  • Be caution of new people that you meet online.

  • Be polite and kind in your talk or words, Do not hurt other feelings.

  • Re- read your email before you send it to someone.

  • Avoid slang. People who don’t speak American English as a first language might not understand your meaning.

  • Don’t correct others grammar or spelling. Kindly ask the other person what they meant if you are confused.

Socrative Quiz

Socrative Quiz

                    Technological gadgets are part of human life now a days. The appropriate way to use them by engaging students in online educational activities. A Socrative quiz is the online facility for teachers to engage students with educational activities on devices such as computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. This real time tool allows teacher to create quizzes and see the real time results on individual or group basis. Creating quizzes at one places, Generating reports, printing quizzes, checking the real time results are some of the great features of Socrative Quiz. 
                     With the continuous development of technology, I am sure to see more developed feature in near future.  

Example of Socrative Quiz Report

Monday, July 6, 2015

Useful Apps

Useful Apps for the classroom

1    Useful Math Apps
·         Desmos Graphical calculator: A great App that is good addition to the classroom in teaching the graphs. Students can visualize the graphs simply by feeding the equations.

·         Mathway: Very good App for Basic Math, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Geometry, Statistics  etc

·         Free Gracalc: Free Graphic calculator

·         Geogebra: Is a multi-platform Mathematics App that gives everyone the chance to experience the extraordinary insights that Math makes possible. Students can use this App for Algebra, geometry, spreadsheet, Probability, 3D graphics.

·         King of Math: Early stage Math App. Good for learning Arithmetic.

·         Ixl: Great for early learners

2    Other useful Apps:
·         Google Earth
·         Math Bingo
·         Pic collage
·         Pebble go (Reading)
·         Tumble book (Reading)
·         Raz-kids (Reading)
·         Popplet
·         Explain everything
·         Blogger
·         Prezi (Presentation)
·         Lumosity (Brain games)
·         Coding Apps for critical thinking

o   Daisy the Dino
o   Hopscotch
o   Scratch
o   Blockly
o   Kodable


        Project- State Economy Chart
      (Using Spreadsheet)

Through this lesson plan students will learn
·        How to research using appropriate websites and search engines,
·        Learn the use of pie charts and other graphical methods
·        Learn how to use the technology (Spreadsheet) to Collect, Store, and Present the data.

In this Project, students used the search engine/websites to find and collect the economy of different states by agriculture, services and industry. Using the Pie chart tool of the spread sheet they summarize and collect their data and presented in more visual/attractive manner.  Students also collaborated to refine and understand their projects.

In Mathematics classroom, Learning and using the chart is an important activity. In this world of technology, students are very creative and can use technology very efficiently. 
In grade level like 7th or 8th
  •  Students can find/research about the Population/ Languages used/ Gender/nationality etc. of the Countries/States/Schools/Classroom and then they can present the data using different charts like Pie chart/bar chart etc.
  •  This project can be enhanced or can be a yearlong project where students feed the data once in a month and present at the end of the year.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Back to the Future

Back to Future Education

Videos of "Classroom of the Future"    Part 1    Part 2   and    Part 3

These video were created in 1987. After watching these videos, I am surprised to see the prediction of the Future Classrooms 20 years back. In the video, the teacher assigned the Web based inquiry research Project and shifted the control of learning to the students. World Wide Web was invented in 1989 and this video series was the created 2 years before that. Their vision for future education classroom was correct, as we can see more and more web based research learning in current education system.

They used many electronic devices and methods such as
•           Smart screens in the classroom which can do Video             Conferencing
•           Handheld device like i-Pads: Still a dream of many students
•           Real life chatting like Skype or Face-time: an important tool for Distant Education and requires a high speed internet connection.
•           Voice recolonization, Artificial Intelligence: It might take few more years to be popular.
However, there is no Touch Screen prediction in the video.

I really appreciate the filmmaker’s wonderful thoughtful vision for the future classroom.
Looking at the drastic development of Technology, I predict that there will not be any physical schools or classrooms. All the education will be Internet based just like online classes or Distant Learning Programs. 

Some disadvantages might be:
  •  Losing the text books 
  •  Loosing of the good feel about the going to school and interacting with teachers and classmates face to face.
  • Health issues because of more sitting and screen work etc

Some benefits might be:
  • Education will not be Location bound.
  • Vast use of resources and World Wide Information.
  • Saving of Space required by current schools etc

Thanks for coming and checking this Blog.

Jigsaw Method: An effective Technique


                        An Effective Classroom Technique

                                                          Jigsaw Classroom

  Jigsaw classroom Technique is a research based cooperative learning Technique which was first used in 1971 in Austin, Texas by Professor Elliot Aronson. It has decades of record of successful positive educational outcome, reducing racial conflict, reduces social and behavioral problems and great liking of school. This activity can be used in any subject areas. Just like the Jigsaw puzzle, each student like a jigsaw piece has his/he own part and each student's participation is important for the final outcome.

Can be represented by Following images
(From Google)

  • How could I use the jigsaw method in my classroom environment if I only had 5 computers?
If I have only 5 computers in classroom I would divide the students into 5 jigsaw groups and then one student from each jigsaw group gets a computer for an hour or so to research. After rotating the the students of each group everyday for a week, everyone gets a chance to do their preparation. Then they can collaborate with their expert peer group from the other jigsaw groups and get deep understanding of the topic. Final puzzle/Project will include the participation and learning of each student.

There are many advantages of this classroom technique. It increases sense of responsibility , teaches team work abilities and reduces racial conflicts. It is a  game based approach and is appreciated by students in every grade.
There may be some disadvantages of using this technique. It can be a wonderful addition in research based projects but this can not be incorporated in every unit. Some other issues might be dividing the students into the proper group considering their liking and disliking, social issues for a successful final outcome.

More information can be found at